March 19, 2014. Source: CBC News
Protesters near the Tyendinaga Mohawk reserve in southern Ontario have blocked the Montreal-Toronto Via Rail line to draw attention to missing and murdered aboriginal women.
The blockade is at Marysville, Ont., between Belleville and Kingston.
Via Rail’s media relations manager Jacques C. Gagnon said Marysvilleis a popular site for railroad blockades.
“We had hints since late last night that there would be a blockade,” Gagnon said.
Train service between Montreal and Ottawa is still running. However, service between Toronto and Ottawa has been halted.
Trains travelling in the Montreal-Toronto corridor have been replaced by chartered buses.
Ontario Provincial Police in Smith Falls, Ont., have confirmed that Wyman Road/Highway 2 in Tyendinaga is also blocked.
Earlier this month, protesters from the Tyendinaga Mohawk reserve blocked a highway over what they said was a lack of action on investigations into missing and murdered aboriginal women.