Two no-cost whooping cough & flu vaccination clinics, Jan. 18 & 26

Snohomish Health District
Low-income and uninsured adults only – first come, first served
SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Wash. Uninsured and low-income adults can take advantage of two shot clinics for flu and whooping cough at handy locations in Everett, Wash. Both clinics are free and open to the public.
·         The first clinic will be held from 10 a.m. to noon on Friday, Jan. 18 during the WorkSource Community Resource Fair at Everett Station, 3201 Smith Ave., Everett, Wash.
·         The second clinic will run from 2 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 26 at Comcast Arena, 2000 Hewitt Ave., Everett, Wash. This clinic is sponsored by the South Everett-Mukilteo Rotary Club and coincides with a free skating event for the public in the main ice rink.
The Snohomish Health District will provide 200 doses of adult flu vaccine and 200 doses of adult whooping cough vaccine, also called Tdap, at the WorkSource event; and 300 doses of each at the Comcast clinic.
Washing hands, covering your coughs, and staying home when you are sick are effective ways to reduce spreading and getting diseases. The best way to prevent illness is vaccination.
The flu season in Snohomish County is proving to be more severe than usual. Three adults in our county have died from flu complications in the past several weeks .Getting a current flu shot is the best way to protect yourself and others. Everyone 6 months and older should get a shot every year, since the flu vaccine changes to match the most common illnesses.
Vaccination is also the best protection against whooping cough. Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is no longer at epidemic levels in Snohomish County, but cases of it are still being confirmed and it can still be deadly to babies. All adults who have not had a whooping cough booster shot should get one. It is especially important that all pregnant women and people – including teens – who are around newborns get the booster shot to protect the infant.
Download vaccine information sheets and consent forms in English and Spanish at
Visit for more information about flu, and for statewide updates.
Established in 1959, the Snohomish Health District works for a safer and healthier community through disease prevention, health promotion, and protection from environmental threats. Find more information about the Health District at

Tulalip Health Clinic offering flu mist through Jan 14

The Karen I. Fryberg Tulalip Health Clinic has the flu mist, a type of a influenza vaccine in the form of a nasal spray available for tribal children ages 2 to 18.  This is not an injection but a mist in the nostrils.

The Clinic will have the mist available until January 14th, 2013.  No appointment necessary, walk-ins are welcome.

Off the Rez, serving Native American eats since 2011

off the rez

Off the Rez, a mobile food truck has been serving up Native American eats around Seattle since 2011.

The outfit of Mark McConnell and partener Cecilia Rikard, Off the Rez is inspired by Native American food, a cuisine generally not found on menus around Seattle. McConnell, A Ballard native, grew up on Indian tacos, frybread and other foods that his mom and grandmother would cook for gatherings and special occasions. Marks; mother grew up on the Blackfeet reservation on Montana.

McConnell says he originally intended to open a restaurant but opted for a mobile operation. The Native food truck can be found at lunchtime around downtown, with possible stops in South Lake Union and late nights on Pike Street and Capital Hill.

This not-to-be-missed truck of tasty meals features a mural of a chief in a war bonnet on one side and a fellow smoking out of a peace pipe with a scene of Seattle on the rear.

The highly-rated menu includes pulled pork smoked for ten hours, a bacon burger, and frybread and tacos, slathered in homemade jam or chicken chili verde.

You can find the Off the Rez truck on Facebook. The Capitol Hill stops are fairly regular, from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. by the Caffe Vita at 1005 E. Pike St.

By Kim Kalliber, Tulalip News staff


Flu more widespread in US; eases off in some areas

Associated Press,  Mike Stobbe AP Medical Writer, Jan 11, 2013

Flu is more widespread across the nation, but the number of hard-hit states has declined, health officials said Friday.

Flu season started early this winter, and includes a strain that tends to make people sicker. Health officials have forecast a potentially bad flu season, following last year’s unusually mild one.

The latest numbers, however, hint that the flu season may already have peaked in some spots.

Flu was widespread in 47 states last week, up from 41 the week before, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Friday Many cases may be mild. The only states without widespread flu are California, Mississippi and Hawaii

The hardest hit states dropped to 24 from 29. Those are states where large numbers of people were treated for flu-like illness.

Those with less activity include Florida, Arkansas and South Carolina in South, the first region hit in the current flu season.

Nationally, 20 children have died from the flu. There is no running tally of adult deaths, but the CDC estimates that the flu kills about 24,000 people in an average year.

Flu vaccinations are recommended for everyone 6 months or older. Health officials are still recommending vaccinations, even in areas with widespread flu reports.

Nearly 130 million doses of flu vaccine were distributed this year, and at least 112 million have been used, according to CDC officials.

Vaccine is still available, but supplies may have run low in some locations, health officials say.

Also on Friday, CDC officials said a recent study of more than 1,100 people has concluded the current flu vaccine is 62 percent effective. That’s in line with how effective the vaccine has been in other years.

The flu vaccine is reformulated each year, and officials say this year’s version is a good match to the viruses going around.

Flu usually peaks in midwinter. Symptoms can include fever, cough, runny nose, head and body aches and fatigue. Some people also suffer vomiting and diarrhea, and some develop pneumonia or other severe complications.

Most people with flu have a mild illness. But people with severe symptoms should see a doctor. They may be given antiviral drugs or other medications to ease symptoms.

Get fit at the Tulalip Conditioning Center


Tulalip employees, tribal member Joseph Alexander and Jadah Milam are taking advantage of the conditioning center.
Tulalip Tribal members Joseph Alexander and Tulalip Tribes employee Jadah Milam are working up a sweat on the recumbent bikes.

By Jeannie Briones, Tulalip News staff

Since the opening of the Tulalip Conditioning Center five months ago, community members have taken advantage of  the various exercise equipment that the center offers, including treadmills, elliptical bikes, recumbent bikes, a heavy punching bag, speed bag, dumbbells, bench press, curling bench, ab crunchers, and other devices to provide an overall well-balanced workout.

“This center provides a healthy and safe program for our community. Diabetes run within Native American communities, so my main objective is providing somewhere the community can workout for free and feel safe at the same time,” said Josh Fryberg, Youth Services Recreation.

“I am thankful to have the opportunity to workout. I have kids and can’t workout at home, so I want to take advantage of this time,” said Tulalip Tribal employee Jadah Milam.

To better ensure that folks meet their health goals, Josh encourages people to workout in pairs and set weekly obtainable goals.

The Conditioning Center is available at no charge to tribal members, tribal employees, and community members. The center is open Monday through Friday, usually from 12:00 – 4:30 p.m., but hours may vary at different times throughout the week.

The Center is located at 7730 36th NW Ave W, Tulalip, WA 98271 (across from the Tulalip Boys & Girls Club). For additional questions, please contact Josh Fryberg at 425-377-4110.


Jeannie Briones: 360-716-4188; 

Are you or is anyone in your family interested in becoming part of a Healing Circle?

BuffaloStarPeople_HealingBuffalo Star People is a Native nonprofit, based in South Dakota, dedicated to helping our relatives heal from losses, traumas, and addictions.  Buffalo Star People has been helping Native people in tribal communities transform their lives in powerful ways for over 7 years. They are here in our community to facilitate a series of Healing Circles for about 11 weeks, ending in a graduation ceremony.  Participants and mentors will be guided in a new approach to healing. Please consider joining us on this healing journey.

Want to learn how?  Our Healing Circles are free, and open to adults ages 18 and up.  The only requirement is that you complete an orientation with a facilitator.  Barbara Bettelyoun, Rosebud Sioux, is a Doctor of Psychology and has worked with Native communities on issues of trauma and healing for over 15 years.  She co-facilitates with her husband, Francis.  Francis Bettelyoun, Oglala Lakota and enrolled in the Ihanktonwan Sioux Tribe, is Vice President of Buffalo Star People Nonprofit, and has been co-facilitating Healing Circles for the past 7 years.

Orientation appointments immediately available for exploring the Healing Circle starting on 1/16.

Call to schedule a time that works for you:

Leila or Razi can be reached at 716-4100

Group co-facilitator Barbara Bettelyoun can be reached direct at 605-201-7576




ObamaCare Facts: Facts on the Obama Health Care Plan

ObamaCare Facts 2013 – We Tell you the Facts, Not The Talking Points


We present the Facts on Obama Care (ObamaCare) / The Health Care for America plan. Our goal is to help you understand the basics of the ObamaCare health care plan and bill, so you can decide for yourself what you think of ObamaCare, based on the facts and not the News Radio / TV opinions.

• ObamaCare, Obama Care and Health Care for America are all the same thing. The official name for “ObamaCare” is the Patient Protection and the Affordable Care Act, a bill signed into law to reform the health care industry.

• Some aspects of Obamacare health care reform are already enacted. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed in 2010, and over 100 million Americans have already benefited from the new health care law.

• ObamaCare requires that insurance plans cover preventative services and stops insurance companies from dropping you when you are sick, as well as offering a number of other reforms and protections.

After you get done reading the ObamaCare facts check out the full, in detail, summary of Obama Care to get the facts on how Obama’s health care reform will really work: The Affordable Care Act Summary

• ObamaCare is a hot button political issue and both sides of the isle will try to persuade you for or against it. Get THE FACTS on ObamaCare and the Plan for Health Care in America.

• ObamaCare’s goal is to provide affordable health insurance for all US citizens and to reduce the growth in health care spending.

• ObamaCare does not replace private insurance, Medicare or Medicaid.

• The Fact is ObamaCare gives 47 million women access to preventative health services and makes it illegal to charge women different rates than men. Get More ObamaCare Women’s Health Services Facts

• ObamaCare gives seniors access to cheaper drugs, free preventive care, Reforms Medicare Advantage, and closes the Medicare Part D ‘donut hole. The AARP agrees, costs won’t rise because of ObamaCare, if anything the improvements to the system will make seniors health care costs go down.

• 1 in 2 Americans have a “pre-existing” condition they could be denied health insurance for. ObamaCare Chips Away at Pre-Existing Conditions until 2017 when there are no more preexisting conditions for anyone, including high-risk customers.

• 54 million Americans with private health insurance now have access to preventive services with no cost sharing due to the new minium standards of ObamaCare.

• ObamaCare doesn’t ration health care, it protects consumers from the health care rationing insurance companies have been doing for ages.

Did your health insurance premium go up? The Fact is ObamaCare enacts a number of consumer protections including a rate review provision where insurance companies will have to justify rate hikes above 10% to your State and post details online immediately. Yet many Americans are still their premiums rise at alarming rates. Learn More About ObamaCare Insurance Premiums

• Other insurance reforms to curb the cost of premiums are already in action include a Medical Loss Ratio policy and other accountability measures. Many more protections go into effect in 2014, so far the average insurance premium has gone down and Americans saved $2.1 billion in 2012 alone.

• ObamaCare means 21 new taxes, get the facts on how they will affect you, your family and your business. ObamaCare Taxes Facts

• We’ve created a detailed ObamaCare Facts timeline of every protection, benefit and tax laid out by the Affordable Care Act Bill from 2010 to 2022. Health Care Reform Timeline

• ObamaCare’s insurance reform helps to insure millions of Americans each year. 48.6 million Americans went without insurance during all of 2011, compared to 49.9 million in 2010. The rate of uninsured decreased from 16.3% to 15.7%, the biggest percentage drop since 1999 due to the Affordable Care Act.

• ObamaCare takes measures to prevent all types of discrimination in regards to your right to health care, including discrimination based on gender, income and health issues.

• All Americans have the option to stay on their current healthcare plans. No one including seniors will be forced not to have healthcare. That’s an ObamaCare fact.

• ObamaCare reforms and expands Medicaid to an estimated 15 million of our nations poorest. That’s 6.1 million less than the last estimate due to States opting-out out of providing coverage, despite 100% federal funding for the first 3 years and 90% thereafter. ObamaCare Medicaid Expansion

• States will have to spend millions on Medicaid over the next ten years regardless of whether they implement Medicaid Expansion. However, states that do implement ObamaCare’s Medicaid Expansion will reap billions in additional federal dollars.

• 25 States have opted out of setting up a State Run Health Insurance Exchange. This leaves the federal tax payer responsible for providing care for their constituents. 19 are running a State Exchange, 7 set up joint exchanges. Find out more about ObamaCare’s State Run Exchanges

• ObamaCare provides $20 billion in tax credits for as many as 4 million Small Businesses to offset the cost of purchasing insurance on the Health Insurance Exchanges.

• Only the top 3% of small businesses will have to pay the additional 0.9% ObamaCare Medicare tax increase.

• Only .2% of businesses have over 50 employees and don’t already offer insurance to full-time workers. Providing these folks with insurance is the only “employer mandate” in ObamaCare.

• Over half uninsured Americans are small business owners, employees or their dependents. Learn the Truth Behind the ObamaCare Small Business Taxes, How They Affect America’s Biggest Job Creators.

• Want single payer? Come 2017 states will be able to get a waiver to set up their own approved health care solution, as long as it meets the standards of ObamaCare.

• Starting OCT 2013 insurance companies will compete to be your healthcare provider via a health insurance exchange pool, this helps to decrease insurance premiums for all Americans.

• The CBO Estimates 19 million Americans (of the 23 million estimated to use the exchange) will Receive Tax Credits to Purchase Insurance on the Exchanges.

• Due to Tax credits and up-front assistance Americans making under 400% of the FLP (roughly $88k for a family of 4) could see up to a 60% reduction in the cost of health insurance premiums.

• Employers can use SHOP, a part of the exchange, to purchase affordable coverage for their workers.

• Uninsured Americans cost the American healthcare system an additional $49 billion. Only 12% of uninsured families pay their hospital bills in full, this includes families making over $88k a year. These costs affect insurance premiums, ObamaCare helps to reduce this spending drastically.

• Annual limits for insurance premiums can be no more than 11% or less than 1.5% of your modified adjusted gross income, when insurance goes on sale via the health insurance exchanges in 2014.

• Members of Congress will purchase their health care through the health exchange like the rest of us (who chose not to opt out and pay a tax, are covered by Medicaid or choose to stay on their existing insurance) Get more facts about the ObamaCare Insurance Exchange

• In 2011 ObamaCare helped around 86 million Americans use free preventative services that had previously been subject to co-pays or deductibles.

• ObamaCare aims to improve community health care centers in an effort improve health care for those who cannot afford private health care.

• Obamacare doesn’t increase the deficit, it is projected to cut the deficit by over Trillion dollars over the next two decades.

• ObamaCare offers countless benefits and protections that have been rolling out since 2010 and continue into 2022. Find out more about the Benefits of ObamaCare

• In 2013 American Employers with more than 25 or less employees may receive tax breaks of up to 35% (25% non-profits) of the cost of their employees insurance premiums. In 2014 in increases to 50% (35%).

• Employers with more than 50 employees must insure their workers or pay a tax (like the current state run unemployment and workers compensation programs)

• ObamaCare won’t cause 650,000 Jobs to be lost as some of it’s detractors say (the number isn’t even in the CBO report on The Affordable Care Act). The often misrepresented quote stated that the only job loss ObamaCare may actually cause are from those who cut back their hours, since they will no longer have to rely on their jobs for their families health care. In fact most reports show that ObamaCare will create new jobs.

• ObamaCare doesn’t regulate health care, it regulates health insurance. What is ObamaCare?

• If an you or your family chooses not to purchase healthcare through the Online Health Insurance Exchange, they can still buy private insurance, get insurance through work or Medicare / Medicaid. Those who chose to not participate will pay an income “penalty” tax to help cover the rest of us. In other words it’s a tax, not a mandate, no one is actually forcing you to have health insurance.

• Obamacare cuts $716 billion of waste from Medicare and reimbursements to private Medicare Advantage plans and reinvests it into Obama’s health care reform. In other words $716 billion is saved and then $716 billion is reinvested back into Obamacare and Medicare. Doctors and hospitals almost universally agree on this reform.

• 19 million Americans will receive tax credits to help pay for healthcare and most middle class Americans will actually save thousands on healthcare via tax cuts (this has been going on for the past 3 years already)

• The Affordable Care Act (ACA or ObamaCare) reduces costs of premiums to millions of families and small businesses and provides billions dollars in tax relief – the largest middle class tax cut for health care in history.

• The healthcare industry, specifically doctors will be rewarded for quality over quantity.

• The Affordable Care Act allows Religious institutions to choose to be exempt from providing controversial contraception and reproductive health services to women. Multiple businesses have also received an exemption after taking the ruling to court.

• The Affordable Health Care Act doesn’t just focus on insurance, it also reforms the parts of the healthcare system that aren’t working or are costing the tax payer money. For example, by focusing on preventive measures instead of just treatment ObamaCare will save tens of billions of dollars and tens of thousands of lives.

• The ObamaCare fact is the average American will save money under Obamacare. In fact many Americans are already paying less for health care services.

• Obamacare cuts the national deficit by over two hundred billion dollars during it’s first 10 years.

• ObamaCare aims to make it easier for small businesses to provide coverage to workers by offering Tax Credits to employers who enroll their workers in private healthcare plans.

• One of the main goals of ObamaCare is to ensure that all preventative care will be free on all insurance plans. Private insurance plans that are grandfathered in and are all ready in place will be exempt until they lose their grandfathered status.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: The “ObamaCare” Bill is currently signed into law. There are many people who would like to see ObamaCare repealed. If Obamacare is repealed millions of Americans will be without proper health coverage and insurance companies will continue to be able to deny healthcare for preexisting conditions. Without healthcare reform America will continue suffer the consequences of a health care system controlled by private companies, who’s bottom line is money and not health. Help ObamaCare Facts to spread the truth about President Obama’s health care reform.


Navajo Generating Station gains support from government agencies

Interior, Energy, EPA Commit to Cooperative Working Group to Achieve Shared Goals on Navajo Generating Station in Arizona

Release Date: 01/04/2013, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,

WASHINGTON – Today the Department of the Interior, Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency released a joint statement that lays out the agencies’ shared goals for Navajo Generating Station (NGS) and energy production in the region served by NGS.

In the statement, the three agencies agree they will work together to support Arizona and tribal stakeholders in finding ways to produce “clean, affordable and reliable power, affordable and sustainable water supplies, and sustainable economic development, while minimizing negative impacts on those who currently obtain significant benefits from NGS, including tribal nations.”

In addition to identifying shared goals, the statement announces specific activities the agencies intend to take jointly to help achieve those goals. These actions include: 1) creating a long-term DOI-EPA-DOE NGS working group; 2) working with stakeholders to develop an NGS roadmap; 3) committing to complete the second phase of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s report on clean, affordable, and sustainable energy options for NGS; and 4) supporting near-term investments that align with long-term clean energy goals.

A copy of the Joint Statement is available at

NGS is a coal-fired power plant located on the Navajo Indian reservation approximately 15 miles from the Grand Canyon and owned partially by the Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation). Power from the facility is distributed to customers in Arizona, California, and Nevada. Reclamation’s share of the power is used to move water to tribal, agricultural, and municipal water users in central Arizona.

The Department of the Interior, the Department of Energy, and the Environmental Protection Agency oversee other federal responsibilities or interests that relate to NGS. These include tribal trust responsibilities, protection of national parks and wilderness areas, visibility and public health protection, and clean energy development.

Top 10 ways to beat the post-Christmas blues, healthy active living

Make a plan

After the excitement of Christmas, going back to a regular, mundane routine is enough to lower anybody’s spirits. A good way to alleviate this feeling of ennui is to create something to look forward to. Depending on your budget and lifestyle, this could be anything from planning a night out to booking a trip away. Whatever you plan, make sure it is something you will really look forward to, then start counting down the days.

laughterExercise your funny bone

Laughter has been proven to be an extremely effective mood booster; releasing endorphins which instantly raise spirits and give a feeling of wellbeing. To help raise your spirits, grab a funny DVD or book and spend a few hours exercising your laughter muscles.

Brave your fears

If you are feeling listless and uninspired following the Christmas period, there is nothing guaranteed to energize you so much as stepping out of your comfort zone and taking a few risks. Make a commitment to doing one thing a week (or day) that makes you feel scared and takes you out of your comfort zone.  Whether it is something small (like starting a conversation with a stranger) or big (like emigrating to another country), conquering your fears is guaranteed to put you in a positive mood.

Get active

Although feeling glum is unlikely to put you in the mood to exercise, getting up and active is actually one of the best things you can do. Exercise not only releases mood boosting endorphins, but if weight gain is one of the things getting you down following Christmas it will help you to quickly shift those excess pounds. Get out in the fresh air for a run, or try a spot of yoga or Tai Chi to help put you in a better frame of mind.

salmonWatch what you eat

While it may be tempting to bury your sorrows under piles of junk food, a healthy diet is actually much more effective at helping you feel good. Some mood-boosting foods to stock up on are those containing B vitamins (which help the brain produce serotonin) such as wholegrains, nuts and marmite, and those containing Omega-3 fatty acids (which can help lift depression), such as oily fish or flaxseeds.

Don’t be SAD

If you think that the darkness and cold weather surrounding the festive season might be contributing to your blues, you may be one of many people suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD). If you find that you feel more depressed or lethargic over the autumn and winter months, it may be worth investing in a SAD light box which can help reduce the negative effects caused by the lack of natural light during this season.

Be selfless

If you find that you are fixated on your mood post Christmas, it is a good idea to distract yourself by putting the focus on to others. Take some time out to do some volunteer work, or if you are short of time make a commitment to doing one small act of kindness a day such as listening to a friend’s problem or smiling at a stranger. Not only will helping others distract you from your own feelings but it will help you put things into perspective. As an added bonus, smiling is contagious and helping others feel happy will also put you in a better mood.

Perk up your social life

Spending time with others can be one of the greatest mood boosters, but you can’t always rely on everybody else to make the plans. If your social life could do with a boost following Christmas, it’s time to get proactive. Pick up the phone and give someone a call or arrange to visit someone who lives a long way away. Alternatively, take up a hobby or join a club and start meeting some new people to spend time with.

Get your finances in order

One of the reasons many people feel blue after Christmas is because they have worries over their finances – and the damage Christmas has wreaked on them – hanging over their head. Rather than worrying about it, sit down and sort out your financial situation. See what shape you are in financially and, if necessary, set yourself a budget for the next few months or so. This may make you feel even worse right now but going on in ignorance means that your worries will only eat away at you. Face your finances, work out how to move forward, and then you can move on happier.

Ring the changes

If the thought of going back to your regular routine is really depressing you, perhaps you should see this as a sign you need to make some changes. Although everyone feels a bit down about returning to work, if the thought is really making you blue then maybe it’s time to think about changing your job. Alternatively, perhaps you need to think about ditching another aspect of your lifestyle that is making you unhappy; your partner, perhaps, or those extra pounds in weight. Look at what needs to be changed then make a plan to tackle it in small steps. Instead of despairing over the end of Christmas, go in to the new year motivated and ready to kick-start your best year yet.


Influenza claims three lives in Snohomish County

Vaccination is the best protection against this severe flu; plenty of vaccine in the county

Press Release, Suzanne Pate, Snohomish Health District,

SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Wash. — The Snohomish Health District reports three residents of Snohomish County died in recent days from the severe flu that is circulating throughout Western Washington. A Bothell woman in her 40s, an Everett woman in her 80s, and an Edmonds woman in her 80s died in late December in Snohomish County hospitals. All had underlying medical conditions.

“We may be facing the most severe flu season since 2009,” said Dr. Gary Goldbaum. “I urge everyone over 6 months of age to get an annual flu shot. It’s still the best weapon we have to fight the flu strains that are circulating this year. Wash your hands often, stay home if you are sick, and cover your cough!”

Snohomish County is well supplied with flu vaccine in providers’ offices as well as community clinics, pharmacies, and the Snohomish Health District clinics. The Health District stocks about 1,000 doses of adult vaccine, and 300 doses of children’s vaccine. More is available as needed.

Dr. Goldbaum noted that this year’s vaccines appear to be well matched for the two strains of influenza A and one strain of influenza B that are circulating this year. The three strains are H1N1A, H3N2A, and B/Wisconsin. The dominant strain is H3N2, which can cause more serious illness. As of Jan. 2, a surveillance report from two area hospitals shows 52 people have been hospitalized with flu symptoms since Nov. 1 in Snohomish County.

During the 2010-2011 influenza season, we received reports of 16 persons hospitalized with influenza; there was one death reported due to influenza. During the 2011-2012 season, 39 were hospitalized and there were two deaths. Thus, in Snohomish County this season to date compared with each of the past two entire seasons, more people have been hospitalized for or died from influenza.

The Washington State Department of Health reported three deaths in December in King and Pierce counties. Lab-confirmed deaths are reportable although many flu-related deaths may go unreported because they are not lab-confirmed or tested for influenza. The CDC estimates that up to 49,000 people could die from the flu this season.

Flu shots are especially important for people at high risk for complications from the flu, including young children, people 65 and older, pregnant women and women who recently gave birth, and people with certain medical conditions like asthma, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, and neurologic conditions. You need a fresh flu vaccine every year; last year’s vaccine won’t work on the current circulating strains.

Visit CDC for more information about the 2012-2013 flu season. To find flu vaccine in your ZIP code, go to the Flu Vaccine Finder page. You also can find good health tips and background about the flu at the Department of Health website.

Established in 1959, the Snohomish Health District works for a safer and healthier Snohomish County through disease prevention, health promotion, and protection from environmental threats. Find more information about the Health Board and the Health District at