Margaret Cho bringing new stand-up work ‘Mother’ to Tulalip

Margarwt Cho_TulalipBy Albert Rodriguez – SGN A&E Writer,

Margaret Cho is at it again! The Grammy-nominated comedienne has created a new production called ‘Mother’ and will unveil it during a brief 10-date tour, including a February 15 performance at Tulalip Resort Casino.

The freshly assembled show is said to be the comedy/TV star’s edgiest work ever, as it will give audiences an untraditional look at motherhood and an insight into maternal figures and strong women in Queer culture. It will also include laugh-out-loud examinations of race, sexuality, celebrities, politics, social culture, and everything in between. If you’ve seen Cho live before, you know that nothing is off limits.

Cho received a Grammy nomination recently for her recording Cho Dependent: Live in Concert, in the category of Best Comedy Album. She’s also a cast member of the TV sitcom Drop Dead Diva and will appear in an upcoming film titled Wedding Palace. A longtime supporter of the LGBT community and an open Bisexual, she’s performed at numerous Gay Pride celebrations around the world, aside from joining Cyndi Lauper’s ‘True Colors’ tour several years back.

Tickets for Cho’s show at Tulalip go on sale December 14 at (packages including accommodations and buffet brunch are also available). There is no direct shuttle service from downtown Seattle to the resort, but you can take the Bellair Charter ( from Sea-Tac Airport to the casino and stay overnight, then return the next morning. Individual tickets are priced at $40.

Look for Cho to appear on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson on January 10 and The Ricki Lake Show in mid-January.


Marysville superintendent announces retirement plans


Larry NylandDr. Larry Nyland has shepherded the Marysville School District as its superintendent since 2004, but he has announced his plans to retire at the end of the current school year.

Nyland, 64, has been invested in public education for the past 42 years, with a career that has taken him from Oak Harbor to Alaska, then back to Washington with positions in Pasco, Shoreline and the Highline School District before coming to Marysville.

He inherited a tough climate in Marysville: a 49-day teachers’ strike in 2003 had resulted in declining enrollment, and citizens hadn’t passed a school bond issue in 16 years. Nyland focused on engaging the community in the district’s education goals, working cooperatively with the teachers’ union, and solidifying partnerships with the Tulalip Tribes as well as local community service organizations.

Graduation rates have risen by 20 percent over his tenure, and schools within the district have been recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the state’s Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) for their achievements.

This year, the district’s Board of Directors was named School Board of the Year, a reflection of Nyland’s consistent messaging and encouragement.

“I love thinking and dreaming about what we can become, about the needs we can fill, the lives we will change, the future we are building for our community,” Nyland remarked in written comments to district staff.

“The district is once again at a turning point,” he continued. “New challenges lie ahead: new national standards and exams; new elections for levies, bonds and technology; and new leadership in many district roles. Now is the time to launch new dreams and follow them through to fruition.”

School board president Chris Nation praised Dr. Nyland “for his leadership, dedication and commitment to improving the lives of the children of the Marysville and Tulalip communities, providing excellent professional development opportunities for staff, and his organizational leadership district-wide.”

Jodi Runyon, the superintendent’s executive assistant, said, “Dr. Nyland came to Marysville at a time when we needed him most and he has done great things for our district and the community. We will be challenged to sustain the work that’s been done and continue to build upon the strong educational and organizational foundation he helped create.”

Nyland was named the state’s Superintendent of the Year in 2006, and the lifelong educator will no doubt continue to be involved in Marysville’s educational goals as a member of the community.

“I hope to still be engaged in education,” he said. “I still have a real heart for students.”

The process of selecting a new superintendent will begin on Monday, as the school board chooses a consultant search firm. Nation noted that the board will seek community and staff input to establish criteria for the district’s next leader.

Celebrate National Rubber Ducky Day, Jan 13

National Rubber Duck Day is January 13th and your kids can celebrate with the Seattle Children’s Museum. Ride the Ducks of Seattle is joining the Seattle Children’s Museum for a annual celebration of Rubber Ducky Day. Get a bit “quacky” and play throughout the day.  While supplies last, kiddos who enter the Museum get a famous Ride the Duck’s Quacker.

Activities throughout the day include:

Quacker Parades – grab your quacker and make some noise!  Waddle through the Museum making as much noise as you can!

Ducky Water Races  – Kiddos can use their muscles to pump water and move their duck down the track in these ducky races.

Ducky Mallet Races– This game gets your whole body moving as you use a mallet to push our duckies down the track.

Quacking and Matching – Play a matching game and pair up the ducks. Play seek and find on the Sesame Street poster and help Elmo and Ernie find the baby ducks. You’ll have a quacking good time!

Quack-tacular Story Times -Educators make storytimes extra spectacular with a focus on books involving our web-footed friends.


Cobell Settlement approved, claims must be filed by March 1, 2013

Claims must be filed by March 1, 2013 in $3.4 billion Indian trust settlement


What is this about?

The Cobell v. Salazar Settlement is approved. The Settlement resolves a class action lawsuit that claims that the federal government violated its duties by mismanaging trust accounts and individual Indian trust lands. Payments to the Historical Accounting Class are underway. The process of considering claims for the Trust Administration Class is ongoing.


Am I included?

The Trust Administration Class includes:

  • Anyone alive on September 30, 2009 who:
  • had an IM account recorded in currently available electronic data in federal government systems anytime from approximately 1985 to September 30, 2009 or
  • Can demonstrate ownership in trust land or land in restricted status as of September 30, 2009.
  • The estate (or hiers) of an deceased landowner or IM account holder whose account was open or whose trust assets had been in probation according to the federal government’s records as of September 30, 2009.


Do I need to file a claim form?

You must file a claim form if you believe you are a member of the Trust Administration Class and you have not:

  • Received IM account statements at your current address anytime between January 1, 1985 and September 30, 2009 and continue to receive statements; or
  • Received a payment as a member of the Historical Accounting Class. If you did, you will receive a second payment automatically as a member of the Trust Administration Class; or
  • Filed a claim form already using your current address. If you have, the Claims Administration will contact you.

You must fill out a claim form and mail it to Indian Trust Settlement, P.O. Box 9577, Dublin OH 43017-4877, postmarked by March 1, 2013 in order to receive a payment.


How much money can I get?

Members of the Trust Administration Class will likely receive at least $800 or more. The actual amount will depend on the number of claims and the costs of administration.


For a claim form or to update you contact information:

Call toll-free: 1-800-961-6109 or Visit:

Robin Marie Perry

Robin Marie PerryRobin Marie Perry, 56, of Marysville, WA passed away peacefully at home with her family on January 8, 2013. She was born March 26, 1956 in Everett to Junior (Jay) and Florence Baggarley.

Robin devoted her life for her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She worked as a bingo supervisor for 20 plus years at Tulalip Bingo.

She is survived by her mother, Florence; brother, Rick Baggarley; children, Crystal, Conan, Kathleen and J.D.; grandchildren, Tashina, Tyson, Ariel, Travis, Jaydin, and Alexandria; great-grandchildren, Estella and Chase; her aunt, Eleanor Nelson; uncle, Harry Alexander; and several nieces, nephews, cousins and special friends.

She was preceded in death by her brother, Robert Cleary; father, Junior (Jay) Baggarley; and grandmother, Bernice Williams.

Visitation will be held at 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 10, 2013, Tulalip Tribal Gym with an Interfaith service following at 6:00 p.m. Funeral services will held Friday at 10:00 a.m. at the Tulalip Tribal Gym with burial following at Mission Beach Cemetery.

Arrangements entrusted to Schaefer-Shipman Funeral Home.

Learn about killer whales

See Killer Whales “swimming” on the walls at the Northwest Stream Center.  Thanks to amazing video photography by Jeff Hogan from Killer Wale Tales (, you will be able to learn how to identify each member of the “Southern Pod.”  They reside in waters around the San Juan Islands and make occasional trips south into Puget Sound.  You will also learn about the newest babies – “calves.”

Jeff will teach you to recognize if the Orcas you see in Puget Sound are hunting for salmon, traveling from one area to another, or just playing as they leap and splash.  You will also observe these magnificent whales sleeping….they sleep “on the move” by putting one-half of their extremely large brain tosleep while navigating with the other half!!

Thanks to a video-cam attachment, you will see a “whales eye view” of swimming in a killer whale pod (never seen on TV).  “Jeff Hogan’s entertaining presentation is not only very educational, but fun for young and old.” says Adopt A Stream Foundation’s Tom Murdoch.  “He is not only a great teacher and photographer, but a trained actor to boot.  Jeff puts on a ‘whale of a show’!!!”

Date: Saturday, March 9, 2013     
Time: 11 a.m.
Tickets: $5 Members / $7 Non-members.

Advance Purchase Necessary.  Call 425-316-8592 for reservations.
Minimum Class Size: 20
Age Recommendation: Grade 1 to Adult.

Street Address:

NW Stream Center

600 -128th Street SE Everett, WA 98208

12 killer whales trapped in sea ice

Marina Lacasse / Canadian PressKiller whales surface through a small hole in the ice near Inukjuak, Northern Quebec, on Tuesday.
Marina Lacasse / Canadian Press
Killer whales surface through a small hole in the ice near Inukjuak, Northern Quebec, on Tuesday.
Associated Press

MONTREAL — A community in Quebec’s Far North is calling for outside help to free about a dozen killer whales trapped under a vast stretch of sea ice.

Locals in Inukjuak said the mammals have gathered around a single hole in the ice — slightly bigger than a pickup truck — in a desperate bid to get oxygen.

Mayor Peter Inukpuk urged the Canadian government Wednesday to send an icebreaker as soon as possible to crack open the ice and help them find open water. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans said it is sending officials to assess the situation.

“Fisheries and Oceans Canada is assessing the situation and are exploring every possible option, but will only be in a position to determine what – if anything – can be done once our specialists arrive on site,” spokesman Frank Stanek said in a statement.

A hunter first spotted the pod of about a dozen trapped whales Tuesday at the hole, which is on the eastern shore of the Hudson Bay. Inukjuak is about 1,500 kilometers (900 miles) north of Montreal.

Dozens of villagers made the one-hour snowmobile ride Tuesday to see the unusual spectacle. They snapped photos and shot video footage of the killer whales surfacing in the opening — and even thrusting themselves skyward while gasping for air.

One woman who made the journey to the gap in the ice said even a curious polar bear approached the hole amid the commotion. Siasie Kasudluak said the bear was shot by a local hunter for its meat.

The trapped orcas appeared to be in distress, but locals were ill-equipped to help out.

Kasudluak said the hole appeared to be shrinking in the freezing temperatures. Inukpuk believes the sudden drop in temperature recently caught the orcas off guard, leaving them boxed in under the ice.

Home and Garden calendar



beesBecome a master beekeeper: The next session begins Feb. 25. WSU Snohomish County Extension and Beez Neez Apiary Supply sponsor the introduction to beekeeping as well as a comprehensive refresher course for experienced apiculturists. The Monday classes, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the extension auditorium at McCollum Park, 600 128th St. SE, Everett., is $75. Register online at You can also download the form at and mail with a check. For registration information, contact Karie Christensen at 425-357-6039 or e-mail

Snohomish Conservation District plant sale: Annual sale of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs, plants and ground covers is March 2 at Evergreen State Fairgrounds in Monroe. Order your plants by Feb. 18 and pick them up on March 2. To order: or call 425-335-5634, ext. 102. $25 minimum.

Growing Groceries training: The WSU Extension classes teach mentors how to grow productive food gardens in an an environmentally friendly way. The trained volunteers then share their knowledge. The application deadline is Jan. 18. Classes start Feb. 9 and continue for four Saturdays at the Snohomish County Extension building at 600 128th St., McCollum Park, Everett. Tuition is $135 for those who volunteer 35 hours as mentors after certification, or $185 for nonvolunteers. Contact: Karie Christensen, 425-357-6039, or for more information.

Northwest Flower & Garden Show: Online tickets for the Feb. 20 to 24 show at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle are for sale at Prices are $16 for adults (regularly $20 the week of the show or at the door). Group rates and multiple-day passes available. The theme is “The Silver Screen Takes Root … Gardens Go Hollywood.” tickets. Go to for a complete listing of nurseries selling advance tickets.

Evergreen Arboretum and Gardens 2012 lectures: Noon to 1 p.m. select Saturdays, at the arboretum, 145 Alverson Blvd., Everett, either in the indoor classroom or, when appropriate, outside on the arboretum grounds. All the classes are free. Seating is limited and some classes require registration. Call 425-257-8597 for reservations. See for more about the arboretum.

Jan. 19: Rose pruning with Sandy Schumacher, board member and master gardener. Registration necessary.


Local nurseries feature classes, speakers and events. See websites or call for details.

Christianson’s Nursery and Greenhouse: 15806 Best Road, Mount Vernon; 360-466-3821;

McAuliffe’s Valley Nursery: 11910 Springhetti Road, Snohomish; 360-862-1323;

My Garden: 17414 Bothell-Everett Highway, Mill Creek; 425-402-1842;

Pine Creek Nursery: 23225 Sofie Road, Monroe; 360-863-8866;

Sunnyside Nursery: 3915 Sunnyside Blvd., Marysville; 425-334-2002;

The Plant Farm at Smokey Point: 15022 Twin Lakes Ave., Marysville; 360-652-3351;


Got a gardening question? You can call the master gardener hotline from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 425-357-6010 or visit the Home & Garden section at


Kids explore under world sea life


Christina Gahringer, Director of Education Technology educating the kids about under sea exploration.
Christina Gahringer, Director of Education Technology educates kids about undersea exploration.

By Jeannie Briones, Tulalip News staff

TULALIP, Wash. – Every Tuesday from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Tulalip Boys & Girls Club, kids ages 8-12  learn about undersea exploration. On January 9th, the kids enjoyed an educational video called the “Return to the Titanic”, which was shown in the Club’s immersion room.

“It’s impressive to see how much the kids remember from lesson to lesson and how much they retain and get excited to come back and share what they remember. Lessons are very different; some are science experiments, art base, and games,” said Christina Gahringer, Director of Education Technology for the Tulalip Boys & Girls Club.

The movie takes place 12,500 feet below sea level and explores the Titanic, whose wreckage was discovered by Dr. Robert Ballard in 1985. Christina showed three video clips, after each clip she get kids to participate by asking questions. The video provides information on how state of the art robots, like the Hercules and Argus, work hand-in-hand, and how Hercules excavates and transmits images back from the site of the wreckage.

The Hercules is a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) that maneuvers in difficult areas under sea. The ROV has the capability to take images from a high definition video camera and can lift up to 600 pounds.

The Tulalip Boys & Girls Club members participate in an interactive activity.
The Tulalip Boys & Girls Club members participate in an interactive activity.

The Argus is also a ROV and is attached to the Hercules with a 100ft cable. Argus’s primary duty is to provide light to the Hercules. The Argus pumps 1200 watts of light at the bottom of the ocean.

The kids participated in a fun interactive activity using lines of string to demonstrate how information and images are relayed and filtered through the Hercules, Argus, and to surface ship.

For more information about  Tuesday afternoon activities , please contact Christina Gahringer, Director of Education Technology at


Jeannie Briones: 360-716-4188;