Kalvin Valdillez, Tulalip News
There was popcorn. There was Coca-Cola. There was Sprite. And of course, there was some Pepsi, also fondly known as ‘bepsi’ on reservations all throughout the nation. The salty snack and sugary beverages provided an opportunity for the Tulalip Police Department to connect with the future of the Tribe on the evening of January 29, at this year’s first Pop with a Cop gathering.

Nearly 20 local youth participated in the event at the Teen Center, which made for some fun and unforgettable interactions with Tulalip’s finest. Following a motivational speech by Sergeant Jira, the kids got to play some one-on-one against him, as he was the only one to step up to protect the rep of TPD. While a handful of kids faced off with Jira on the court, the remaining kids excitedly cheered on their friends from the sidelines while also taking the chance to ask the other officers about their day-to-day duties as a tribal police officers.

As the laughter and playful smack talk ensued, TPD Officer and Tribal member, Alyshia Ramon dished out bags of freshly popped popcorn as well as activity bags to the kiddos. Taking a moment to speak with Tulalip News, Alyshia shared, “We teamed up with the Tulalip Education department and what we wanted to do was have some fun interaction with the kids and have some positive engagement with them. Sergeant Jira rounded up the kids today and talked to them about excelling in sports and getting good grades at the same time, so they can be really productive and successful when they go to college. And we just wanted to let them know that we are here to support them and that we want to be here with them.”

Alyshia stressed that they felt it was important to reiterate to the teens that they are here to serve and protect them. Which is something that tends to get lost in today’s political climate, as the women and men in blue are often times painted in a negative light.

Said Alyshia, “When you see all the stuff that’s happening on the news today, we thought it was really important for the kids to know that we are here for them. We want to support them and hopefully inspire them to take up a career in law enforcement. Because to me, this is the best job in the world – ever. It’s the only place where you’re going to learn three types of law; federal law, state law, and tribal law. And at the same time, engage with your community.”
She continued, “When they see someone who comes from the same community, grew up in the same neighborhoods, knowing my path doesn’t look any different from theirs, that we can choose the choices we make, they can do whatever they want in life. And that’s what I hope to inspire these kids to do – one, use your voice, and two, they can do anything and be whoever they want to be. And whatever they choose, they got us behind them to support them 100%.”

It can often be challenging to get teens to speak on feelings and about how they are affected in a positive manner during certain events. That could be said about the three teens who we caught up with, following the Pop with a Cop event. Actions and expressions often speak louder than words, and for Enrique Shrock, Hailey Craig, and Emma Barnes, the big smiles and hearty laughter were very telling.
After catching his breath following an intense battle with Jira, Enrique exclaimed, “Yeah, I had fun. Today, I played one-on-one with a cop, and I was shooting threes to try to win a prize. I think this was important so we could make new friends.”

Once Hailey and Emma got their picture with two officers, they gave quick statements before returning to their conversations with the policemen.
Hailey stated simply, “It was awesome and a lot of fun!”
Emma echoed, “Today was amazing. All the officers are really nice and they’re fun too. And they have cool haircuts!”
Although the event’s duration was only a brief hourlong, it is safe to say the youth had a blast at Pop with a Cop. Alyshia shared that there will be two more gatherings at the Teen Center on February 12 and 26, from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30. She also mentioned that she is in talks with the Tulalip Boys and Girls Club to create a similar event to help build and foster relationships with the younger kiddos as well.