Indian Country Mourns Loss of Navajo Code Talker King Fowler

Levi Rickert, Native News Network

TONALEA, ARIZONA – The Navajo Nation – and Indian country – mourn the loss of heroic Navajo Code Talker King Fowler.

Navajo Code Talker King Fowler

Mr. Fowler walked on last Friday, June 7, 2013 at his residence in Tonalea, Arizona. He was 97. His death was announced on Monday.

Born on December 12, 1915, in Kaibeto, Arizona, he joined the US Marine Corps on October 27, 1944. He completed his training to become a Navajo Code Talker at Camp Pendleton in San Diego, California.

He is among an elite group of marines who helped create the only unbroken code in modern military history. As one of the Navajo Code Talkers, Fowler and other Navajos coded and decoded classified military dispatches during World War II using a code derived from their Navajo language.

After receiving an Honorable Discharge he returned to home to his family. He was a founding member of the Tonalea Chapter, where he served in served capacities, including chapter delegate, chapter official, gazing delegate and community development worker.

Mr. Fowler remained dedicated to his fellow American Post 33 veterans.

Funeral arrangements were incomplete at press time.